
Online Education In
Lipid Oils, Carrier Oils & Plant Butters

Get started with the quick reference guide to carrier oils

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I love studying with Susan. She has created groundbreaking material that is fun to learn. Her work has been critical to me to uncover my special passion using lipids in combination with other additions to a multitude of topical preparations.

If you’re serious about developing your skills with carrier oil selection or even more complex Lipid based products, Susan Parker’s workshops and materials can’t be beat!!!

~Liz Zucco

The Book


Power of the Seed

“The world of plant oils is large and diverse. Culture by culture, around the globe and throughout time, oils are central players in all communities. Natural and necessary, the lubricant to nature’s smooth functioning, oils are ever-present and integral to the life forms of plants, animals, and humans. The source for all this oil? Seeds. Seeds are nature’s oil-producing calorie factories. A storehouse of sunshine within the seed, oils nourish the next generation of plant until it can feed itself through photosynthesis. Seeds and kernels, nuts, and fruiting bodies are complete energy and dietary centers, the grocers of the plant world.

Every seed has the capacity to make oil and carries unique properties from the parent plant. While all oils have a common structural similarity, each plant’s seed brings something special to the individual commodity. Spicy, tangy olive oil is uniquely different from rich, flavorful, and solid coconut oil. Contrast similar oil dichotomies throughout the plant kingdom, and the range, variety, qualities, and properties possible become truly astonishing.”

~from the Introduction of Power of the Seed

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Recipes, Oil Profiles and Inspiration
