the book
Power of the Seed
"Every seed has the capacity to make oil and carries unique properties from the parent plant. While all oils have a common structural similarity, each plant’s seed brings something special to the individual commodity. Spicy, tangy olive oil is uniquely different from rich, flavorful, and solid coconut oil. Contrast similar oil dichotomies throughout the plant kingdom, and the range, variety, qualities, and properties possible become truly astonishing.”
~from the Introduction of Power of the Seed
Post Publication Notes
With the publication of Power of the Seed in the Spring of 2015 the book is a record of what I understood on the subject up until the end of editing in late 2014. I have said that in the book, that it is an evolving study on the subject of these oils.
Now that the book has been out forseveral years there are points I made that need reviewing and revising. In addition, the oils listed at the time have now expanded and will be covered in our membership group and in the courses we open several times a year.
A few points that I will address in the coming weeks and months:
The first new post will be a correction to page 24 in the paper version of the book. The lower diagram for the triglyceride is inaccurate and is corrected here.
CO2 extractions of the carrier/fixed oils
Vitamin C, is it ever found in oils?
New information and research on oils covered in the book
Where to Buy a Copy
The Power of the Seed is an incredible reference book! It has so much information, and detail about so many different oils I never would have thought to use as a carrier or a base oil. It is great for beginners, to experienced aromatherapists, and massage therapists. I absolutely love how it is organized, and how oils can be found by use, application, fatty acid composition, sap values, botanical family, etc! It really a great reference for anyone who is looking to make their own skincare products. Certainly a unique guide! I’ve been working with essential oils, making blends for years, and upon discovering this book, it has taken my blending practice to an entirely different level. Thank You!
Excellent! So glad a friend recommended this. I’ve counted over 85 carrier oils with lots of detailed information on types of healing to use for-wound, skin, etc. Recipes, Skin Care, Massage, etc. But, the part I liked the best was the chemical analysis for these oils that I’ve spent so much time trying to find…and it’s all covered in this book. I actually took an online Aromatherapy Course for this, but can honestly say I’ve gotten more from Susan’s Book and all the details she has, than in the course. A Must Have!
This is a well-researched book about many, many carrier oils and butters; not essential oils. As a home-based formulator all of this information is extremely useful and valuable. The book itself is a teaching tool as well as a research tool. I purchased the paper book (two copies) and the kindle version so I have all of this wisdom & knowledge wherever I need it. I constantly refer to it and add my own notes within the pages. In fact it is the most dog-eared of all of my CosmeticChemistry/Aromatherapy/Perfumery/Herbology books! Highly recommended.